Chess School 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 (5 books)

Chess School 1-2-3-4-5 (Five Book Set)

Slobodan Mirkovic

ISBN 10: 8660232755  ISBN 13: 9788660232757
Publisher: Chess Informant, 2013

The author Slobodan Mirkovic has been engaged in chess since primary school. As of 1984 he has held International master title. He has been participant of several international tournaments. From 1990 he has rarely participated on tournaments and coaching has become his main occupation. He recently became FIDE coach. From 1988 till 1999 he worked with juveniles of different ages as a professional coach of CC ``Partizan``. He is one of the founders of The School of Champions in CC ``Rad``, which began to work in 1996. His students have won eleven Yugoslav and SCG Cadet Championships. All titles were won in the moment when author of this book was working with students individually. From numerous groups of students it is good to mention GM Nikola Sedlak, GM Milos Perunovic and GM Bojan Vuckovic, who are at the moment Serbian most perspective chess players. Slobodan Mirkovic systemized about five thousand matches from World top chess players practice, and he made ledger which represent base in working with young chess players. He is the author of chess combinations classification, which is in the informative System of ``Chess Informant``. 

Slobodan Mirkovic is a well-respected Serbian chess teacher. Amongst his pupils are GM`s Nikola Sedlak, Milos Perunovic and Bojan Vuckovic. For this book - indeed a series as there is already a second volume - he collected and classified his numerous teaching materials. The reader is offered many dozens of examples from GM practice with a task and a solution. The book consists of three parts:
  • Part 1: pawn endings
  • Part 2: miraculous world of combinations
  • Part 3: strategic motives
The author firstly explains the way he thinks one has to study chess. He has devised his own way to study pawn endings (part 1) and his own classifications of combinations (part 2). Also the strategic motives that he identifies bear his strong opinion.

A new tactics book from renowned Yugoslav coach GM Slobodan Mirkovic. Taken from examples he has used when training with fellows GMs Sedlak, Perunovic and Vukovic. Excellent material abounds over 16 chapters covering tactical themes and general technique in the endgame, such as bishop and pawn vs bishop, king attacks and bishops of opposite colour.

A useful book which covers a number of disparate themes, including rook and one pawn versus rook, rook and three versus rook and two pawns, endings with four rooks, combinations with rook and knight sacrifices, etc. It is well laid out and provides ample explanatory text.


Published in Honor of the European Youth Championship 2011
Chess School 4 represents a continuation of the series of books written for all chess players who want to make progress in chess. The book consists of three parts:
  1. Rook endings  
  2. Wonderful world of combinations  
  3. Strategic motives
CHESS SCHOOL VOL.5 - NEWChess School 5 represents continuation of the series of books written for young players. The 'Chess School' project consists of five books and like the previous books, Chess School 5 consists of three parts.
The first part deals with Queen endings. The system of work and studying of this type of endings are explained, the basic principles and game plans are laid out. 
The second part of the book is the chapter "Wonderful world of chess combinations"; here, a new theory of combinations and classification is presented one that takes Botvinnik's definition of chess combination as the starting point.
The third part contains strategic motifs. This part of the book looks at improvement in the initial phase of the game - in the opening. In a variant of the Caro-Kann Defence, the unbreakable tie between opening and the ending is highlighted.

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