Chess secrets: heroes of classical chess

Craig Pritchett

Published by EVERYMAN CHESS, United Kingdom, 2010
ISBN 10: 1857446194 / ISBN 13: 9781857446197
Bookseller Rating: 5-star rating

Description:  Chess secrets: heroes of classical chess

Chess Secrets is a series of books which uncover the mysteries of the most important aspects of chess, such as strategy, attack, defence, opening play, endgames, off-board preparation and mental attitude. In each book the author chooses and deeply studies a number of great players who have excelled in such aspects of the game, greatly influenced their peers and inspired all of us.

 In Heroes of Classical Chess, Craig Pritchett selects five great players whose style exemplifies classically direct, clear, energetic, tough, ambitious yet fundamentally correct chess playing attributes.

Pritchett studies the major contributions they have made, compares their differing styles and discusses the critical influences they have had on the development of chess, on their peers and on all our games. Read this book and enhance your own skills.

Understand how to play in a classical style and win more games.

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About this title: Chess secrets: heroes of classical chess

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2 ratings
Synopsis: Craig Pritchett studies five legends who have excelled in the art of classical chess. A study of this book will enhance your skills and help you to play in a formidable classical style.
From the Back Cover: Chess Secrets is a series of books which uncover the mysteries of the most important aspects of chess, such as strategy, attack, defence, opening play, endgames, off-board preparation and mental attitude. In each book the author chooses and deeply studies a number of great players who have excelled in such aspects of the game, greatly influenced their peers and inspired all of us. In Heroes of Classical Chess, Craig Pritchett selects five great players whose style exemplifies classically direct, clear, energetic, tough, ambitious yet fundamentally correct chess playing attributes. Pritchett studies the major contributions they have made, compares their differing styles and discusses the critical influences they have had on the development of chess, on their peers and on all our games. Read this book and enhance your own skills. Understand how to play in a classical style and win more games.


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