Maneuvering The Art of Piece Play by Mark Dvoretsky

Maneuvering The Art of Piece Play by Mark Dvoretsky

Already published and soon available for shipping insurance will be another jewel in chess...

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Find the best boxes for the parts!

Largely, the ability of any chess player level depends on their ability to discover and evaluate the operations of each position of shape quickly and accurately as possible. In this book, the instructor of chess of first level and the coach Marc Dvoretsky examines one of them aspects more important of it skill positional, i.e., the art of play with parts, of them maneuvers and the search of the best boxes for their parts.

"Manoeuvring, the art of set" will help you in all phases of the game - which is why that between exercises that are positions of opening, middle game and end, and not only those who are taken from practical items, but also studies.

The conscious student, carefully working your way through this book, help improve the positional and significantly increase the overall ability of game.

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